Mechanical Services

We provide an extensive selection of automotive mechanical services to cater to the various requirements of your vehicle. Our team of proficient and experienced mechanics is well-equipped to perform complex repairs as well as routine maintenance. By servicing all makes and models, we guarantee that your automobile is always in pristine condition. Performance modifications and repairs, oil changes, muffler replacements, brake services, and transmission work are among the many services we provide. Electrical problem diagnosis and resolution, air conditioning maintenance and repair, as well as suspension and vehicle dynamics, are additional areas of expertise for us. TJF Auto Services Mississauga provides dependable mechanical services for automobiles of the highest quality.

We recognize that routine maintenance is essential to ensuring that your vehicle operates efficiently and effectively. This is why we provide our customers with scheduled maintenance reminders. You will never again neglect a routine service, including an oil change, tire rotation, or brake inspection, with the assistance of this service.

We will monitor the maintenance schedule for your vehicle and provide you with timely reminders for upcoming check-ups. Adopting a proactive stance not only serves to avert unforeseen mechanical failures but also prolongs the operational lifespan of one's vehicle. Our scheduled maintenance reminders will ensure that your vehicle remains in pristine condition.

Transmissions Services
Engine Repairs & Installation
Brake Service, Replacements and Brake Line repairs
Computer Diagnostics & Reprograming
Suspension and Dynamics
Coolant Flush Line Repairs and Replacement   
Tire Repairs, Installation and Sales
Control Arms, Bushings, Bearings, and other rotating assembly 
Oil Changes, Engine Flush and Transmission Flush
Preventative Maintenance